10 Weight-loss Diets Around The World

Diet face-off: How 7 nutrition trends stack up

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As a result, the demand for dieting has been steadily increasing since the 18th century. Diet publications on the matter http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/13/idUSnHUGdsQR+73+ONE20140113 date back to 1724 and the first popular diet was recorded in 1863, when William Banting , an English undertaker, dubbed his diet with his last name (were banting, baby! No more sugar, butter or beer!) and began passing out informational booklets on it (it was still in publication as of 2007).[related] Click here for the 10 Weight-Loss Diets Around the World (Slideshow) While dieting generally leads to the desired effect of weight-loss, it can also carry a heavy cost, depending on how far one is willing to go to shed the pounds. The 20th century saw scammers begin to take advantage of peoples desperation, inventing all kinds of magic pills, tonics, and elixirs or coming up with claims about everyday products they were hawking in order to pump profits.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://travel.yahoo.com/ideas/10-weight-loss-diets-around-153215359.html

Proponents say it also can eliminate digestion problems, skin diseases, inflammation and diabetes. What to eat:Anything that does not contain wheat, grain or barley. This means no cakes, cookies, breads, flour or beer. Pros:If you dont replace garcinia cambogia extract the gluten products in your diet with gluten-free varieties, you will end up eating fewer complex carbohydrates and might lose weight. Many adherents say they feel better and have more energy.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://blogs.militarytimes.com/pt365/2014/03/17/diet-face-off-how-7-nutrition-trends-stack-up/

How to diet like a man and lose more weight

Health.com: 24 Fat-Burning Ab Exercises (No Crunches!) Man move No. 5: Get competitive It’s cliched but true that men are raised in a gladiatorial cultureeverything they do is framed as a battle to be won. Sure, it’s annoying during charades or at your kid’s soccer game, but when it comes to fitness, that often works in guys’ favor, prompting them to sign up for intramural sports leagues or weight-loss challenges at work. And this showdown mentality can translate to more calories burned, according to University of Rhode Island professor Bryan Blissmer, who studies exercise psychology: “Athletes who are competitively oriented push 5 to 10 percent harder during a challenge versus when they’re working out alone.” Make it yours No need to start signing up for races all over town (unless you want to, of course)you can earn the dividends of competition merely by working out with a friend.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.foxnews.com/health/2014/03/18/how-to-diet-like-man-and-lose-more-weight/